Thursday, November 18, 2010

Electroencephaloneuromentimpograph - Try Saying That 3 Times Fast!

Dr. Norris Erickson has part 1 of a series on the Electroencephaloneuromentimpograph published in the November issue of the Palmer Beacon newspaper. The article appears on page 18. This is a fascinating piece of chiropractic history and the machine can still be seen on the Palmer campus today. Check it out!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I haven't forgotten you!

Dear Fearless Readers, I know I haven't posted anything since July, and I was hardly setting world records prior to that, but I haven't given up on the Chiropractic History Blog. I've been incredibly busy with my career and the blog takes a major back seat, unfortunately. I have lots of things to show and tell about, so I will post more, it's just a matter of when I'll have the time to make something of the quality you expect. Thanks for your patience!